How to Create an Image Classifier

Today's post is, as the title says, how to create an image classifier. We will use a dataset from Kaggle(download here This data is x-rayed images of knees in...

PyAutoGui - Runescape Bot

Today's blog will be about automation. More specifically, about using the package called PyAutoGui, to automate actions in a video game called Runescape. Runescape is a Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game(MMORP), which has various skills...

Pymc3 and the NBA

Welcome back to the fifth blog in the BA blog series. The theme of today's blog is, by far, one of my favourite topics - sports. I will demonstrate the power that pymc3, a Bayesian statistical modelling package for python, has in the data science...


Today's blog post will be on Numba, a python package that is used for speeding up loops, NumPy functions and NumPy broadcasting. This package is hyper-powerful for those who are looking to speed up their service speed. To install Numba, just like...

Google Colab

This blog post will be centred about(and written on), Google Colab. The free, hyper-powerful program built by Google that allows people to take their work to a higher level. Google Colab itself allows users, with Google accounts, to work on their...


import pandas as pd import altair as alt This week's blog will be about the importance of visualizations. I will take a bad example of a chart, in this case, a pie chart released by Fox news in 2012 showing Vice President candidates, and create a...

Exploratory Analysis

Exploratory Analysis So you come into work on a Monday morning and find that your boss has tasked you with finding some insights on a current data set. You open the excel file and see that there are countless rows and columns filled with data....